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  1. Some info for today in Colombia, Deportivo Cali...

    Some info for today in Colombia, Deportivo Cali is playing 2 games today 1 in the Colombia cup away vs Popayan and second 4 hours later in Copa SouthAmerica, the 2nd is much more important and they...
  2. Anyone have any info on the Crusaders vs Ekranas...

    Anyone have any info on the Crusaders vs Ekranas game? Crusaders opened up at 2.4 or so and is now the favorite
  3. The over 3 in the Linz game also went from -108...

    The over 3 in the Linz game also went from -108 to -140
  4. not sure if anyone has followed egyptian league...

    not sure if anyone has followed egyptian league for any fixes and such but there are 2 games that seem interesting,

    Ennpi vs El Ettahad, Ennpi started at +210 and is now down to anywhere from +120...
  5. 5:0 o4.5 is $$$$

    5:0 o4.5 is $$$$
  6. Latvia: FK Liepaja vs FC Jurmala the over 3.5...

    Latvia: FK Liepaja vs FC Jurmala the over 3.5 went from +110 to -220 and is blocked by most books and the o4.5 went from +240 to -105
  7. There are 2 games I've been looking into Finland...

    There are 2 games I've been looking into
    Lahti Akatemia - JaPS, Japs dropped from 1.94 to a 1.43

    Russia D2 Center
    Tambov - FC Oryol,Tambov dropped from 1.94 to 1.51

    Anybody have any...
Results 1 to 7 of 7