Quote Originally Posted by andywend View Post
Liberal democrats like 23Edler are the true pigs and there opinions about Rush aren't terribly relevant.

Rush offended an extremely permiscuious woman and then apologized for it. Liberal pigs like Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow offend millions of people every single night and you'll never see those pieces of human trash apologizing for anything.

Liberal democrats are USELESS!!!
First, it's their, not there.

Do you have ANY contraceptive knowledge? Obviously not. That woman is far more educated and respectable than you'll ever be.

benefits of birth control pill besides the obvious:
Helps prevent osteoporosis.
Prevents ectopic pregnancy
Improves fibrocystic breasts
Reduces the risk of symptomatic endometriosis
Can improve acne.
Protection against pelvic inflammatory disease
Reduce the risk of ovarian cysts.
Decreased risk of iron deficiency (anemia)
Reduce menstrual cramps

I guess you condone Rush, his illegal Viagra prescription, and his sexcapades to Dominican Republic?

Grow a brain, son