Originally posted on 01/28/2012:

hi Slope,

the easiest way is just to look at pinny's alt lines, however i think that the sell points side is cheaper than the buy side WR to the vig.

i'm pretty sure doing it urself will be less accurate, however if u want to value pts outside pinny's alt range then doing it urself is the way.

the aim is u r looking for how many times a game with a certain line and/or total has finished with all available MOV.
so maybe there were 300 games w line (use a user specified range is better?) and total X and Y.

u need results that look like this:
MOV number of results
30 1
29 0
28 0
27 2
26 0
25 0
24 2
23 4

(all made up)

all the way down the possible MOVs

then divide results by number of games in range for push %

it can be done with a bunch of IF and countIFS statements.